The header says that this movie is ‘presented by Guillermo Del Toro’ who is the creator of Pan's Labyrinth. This may have been included to attract fans of Pan's Labyrinth. May be due to the similarities between the movies but may be also due to the success of Pan's Labyrinth as it made $83,258,226 in the box office. It also suggests that this movie will be as successful to the audience.
The title of the movie is in the biggest size and also in white which stands out due to the key image being dark. On top of the title the name of one of the main actors' name is written. This may have done this because she is the most popular actor from the movie and probably has the most fans; this is to attract her fans.
Under the title the slogan "A mother's love is forever" is written, this is usually thought to be a very comforting message for children but in this context it has a more dark meaning, as the mother is a supernatural creature that is probably evil.
In the bottom we can see the release date of the movie. The text is bigger than the slogan and does stand out. The release date is supposed to be very eye catchy so the audience remember when the movie is being released so they can go and watch it. Under the release date is the Facebook and YouTube link. This is a great way for the audience to find out more about the movie and also to watch the trailer. The Facebook link probably is more aimed at the younger audience such as the teen and young adults as they are more into social networks.
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