Sunday, 23 February 2014


I have decided I want to use 'Empire' for my magazine masthead; due to the fact I am using 'Empire' I have decided to analysis three Empire magazines so I create my magazine in a similar way.

Sunday, 16 February 2014


Once I had decided on what picture of the woman I was going to use, I realised I had to do something else to the poster to fill the blank space so I looked back at my research into similar products. 
This was the one that caught my eye; the being in the background not only fills in space but adds a 'horror' feature to the poster. Therefore I tried the same with mine. 

I began to put the title and credits on the poster. 

Adding the red font in the poster but some life into it and makes the date a dominant thing which is what I want it to be.

Friday, 7 February 2014


This is a draft of my movie trailer. It was at this point that I was happy to show my teacher, peers and friends. I felt I needed to show them as they were my target audience for my movie so their feedback would be something I would need to take on board to make sure my trailer fits their needs.
The comments I got back were good, however critiques were things such as
- Take away the eclipse in the writing
- How do we know its the best movie? Perhaps take that out as a breathing space before we see the little girls